Resi, (Luis Resines)
Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts of the UCM in Madrid and resident in Mallorca since 2014, Resi works in graphic design, illustration and comics for the promotion of scientific culture, feminism, ecological awareness and human rights.
Having specialized in graphic design and illustration, he has also worked in these two disciplines in different contexts (Spain, Portugal and Mexico). In 2010 he started to focus his work on science promulgation by launching the “Pelopantón” initiative with Ana Bonilla, with several of the following works:
Expedición Malaspina (2012). Comic for the project “Expedición Malaspina 2010” led by CSIC which is about the ambitious 2010 scientific expedition aboard the Oceanographic Ship Hespérides to study in depth the impact of global change in the ocean. With a script written by David Finch, art by Ana Bonilla and a prologue by the writer Javier Reverte.
Fred & Sebastian (2013). Comic strips of a polar bear and a walrus for Greenpeace’s “Save the Arctic” campaign.
Trojan Bear (2015). Comic for the “Arctic Tipping Points Project” led by CSIC and the University of Tromsø (Norway) in collaboration with the BBVA Foundation. Following a trip to the Arctic with the scientific committee Trojan Bear was designed with the aim of highlighting the abrupt changes in the Arctic and how they can affect our planet. The script for the comic was written by David Finch and art work by Ana Bonilla.
Quimera (2018). Comic for the Government of the Balearic Islands about the conservation of seabirds in the Balearic enviroment. It tells the story of a Balearic Shearwater (virot petit) throughout its life.
Mac,Virot petit (2020) Comic strips of a Balearic Shearwater (virot petit), a critically endangered seabird endemic to the Balearic Islands.
Aventura Natura: els ecosistemes de les Balears (2022). Comic with a script written by Miguel Ángel Miranda, cover by Enriqueta Llorca and design by Margalida Vinyes. Aventura Natura was born from the collaboration between the “Clúster de Còmic i Nous Mèdia de Mallorca”, the “Universitat de les Illes Balears UIB ” and the “Conselleria de Fons Europeus”, “Universitat i Cultura del Govern de les Illes Balears”.
Rafaella. L’extraordinària història d’una tortuga confinada (2022). Comic with script written by Pedro Esparcia and edited by the “Direcció General d’Espais Naturals i Biodiversitat del Govern de les Illes Balears” with the collaboration of SEO Birdlife. A comic to raise awareness about the need not to take turtles home as pets.
He has also worked for regional, national and European organizations: National Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid; University of Valencia; National Museum of Iceland, Spanish Institute of Oceanography; Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid; etc.
A more personal project of his which has a great impact on social networks, consists of a series of illustrated portraits of current scientists in order to publicise their work.