Enric Pujadas (Palma, 1971)

Enric Pujadas was born in Barcelona but grew up in Mallorca. He has been reading legends of Greek and Roman mythology since he was very young, so he has been interested in fantasy for as long as he can remember. At the age of eight he read The Neverending Story which marked him in such a way that he began to write stories himself. Since then, he has not stopped trying to learn storytelling. All that effort ended up deserving the “Ciutat de Palma Comic Award 2020” for the script of Las Olimpiadas del Sufrimiento, an album drawn by his usual partner in crime, Gonzalo Aeneas.

Enric currently lives in Porto Cristo where he working on multiple comic projects including a novel.

Selected bibliography:

Bajo el cielo rojo de Marte, Apache libros, 2018.
Las Olimpiadas del sufrimiento, Dolmen Editorial, 2022.
A la llum del far, Palma, Autoritat Portuaria de les Illes Balears, 2017.
El niño y el mar a La Nova Onada, Palma, Kirby Kòmics, 2016.
La Fugida a Revista Esquitx, Palma, Esquitx edicions, 2015.
La Última Expedición del Dr. Livingreef a Pequeños cadáveres envueltos en plástico (various authors), Kirby Kòmics, 2015.
Historia de dos pingüinos. Un misterio del sur (Illustrated by Gonzalo Aeneas), Tyrannosaurus Books, 2014.

