Gonzalo Aeneas (Palma, 1988)
Illustrator and comic artist.
When studying in the Escola Superior de Disseny (Superior Design School), Gonzalo was already looking to find his way in the illustration field by working on different publications. One of these was his first illustrated book (together with scriptwriter Enric Pujadas) and also several collaborations with fanzines and comic magazines.
His most common works are album covers, t-shirt designs and posters for music bands.
On completing his final project (consisting of a complete a complete deck of the Tarot de Marseille) he graduated with honors in 2016.
In 2017, he won the “Artjove” award for his book Bajo el Cielo Rojo de Marte which was published in 2018 and in 2020 he won the “Ciutat de Palma” award for his Las Olimpiadas del Sufrimiento, which was published in 2022.
He is currently working on his next album, El Gran Rey Lobo, as well as working on his illustration projects for music bands and books.
Selected bibliography
Nouveau Tarot de Marseille 2017
Bajo el Cielo Rojo de Marte 2018
Fermentvm Nigrvm Dei Sepvlti 2019
Las Olimpiadas del Sufrimiento 2022