Feliu Renom, (Béjar, 1951. Mallorquí since 1977)
Pulmonologist until October 2015, Feliu Renom has illustrated medical and biology topics for the “Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana” (letters D and E).
Member of “Urban Sketchers” (www.urbanschetchers.org) since 2010, where he regularly publishes his drawings, he has also been the administrator of the regional section “Urban Sketchers Mallorca” since 2017.
Member of the Clúster de Còmic i Nous Mèdia de Mallorca since 2015.
Publication with JJ de Olañeta, Ediciones La Foradada, four books of illustrations of the series “Quaderns de Mallorca”:
- Dibuixant sobre El Terreno (2012 i 2013),
- La Catedral Dibuixada (2014),
- Quatre passejades dolces pels voltants d’Estellencs (2015) i
- Palma. Apunts d’un dibuixant urbà (2016). (La Foradada i Terra Incógnita)
Participation as an illustrator in the publications of the “Clúster de Còmic”, Editorial General Clúster:
- Serra de Tramuntana de Mallorca (2015)
- La Costa de Mallorca (2016) i
- Objectiu 2030. Mallorca: Observatori de Turisme Sostenible (2020)
Self-publishing of the illustrated book:
- Estimada Formentera: (2019)
Publication with Disset edicions of the illustrated book:
- Mallorca dibuixada (2022 i 2023)